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Japan nonprofit group helps commercialize art by disabled creators

SAITAMA (Kyodo) — From shirts with creative animal illustrations to traditional “tabi” socks with polka-dot designs, a Japanese association near Tokyo is helping to commercialize works by disabled artists, supporting their independence in the process.

ReArt, a nonprofit cooperative association based in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture, has been helping showcase the works to businesses and private consumers, with portions of sales and royalties from their production returned to the artists.

Founder Ariya Vesolowski, 46, said she was inspired after seeing a picture by a disabled artist at an employment support center and wondered if she could create a buzz by putting such works up for sale. Her American husband’s sister suffers from a severe disability.

To begin amassing artworks, she contacted facilities for the disabled and sought help from friends working in the welfare sector. From two active disabled artists and five different facilities in Kawagoe, she managed to collect around 80 works.

In July 2023, ReArt held a launch event featuring prototype “yukata” casual summer kimono and other items with designs by the artists. In April, they collaborated with a local sake manufacturer to include a pineapple design illustrated by a disabled artist on a summer limited edition sake bottle.

“Many of the images are colorful and have pop elements, and I feel uplifted just by looking at them,” Vesolowski said.

“I want to keep building our brand with the aim of fostering a society where disabled people can shine just as they are. In the future, I would like to use the brand as a tourism attraction, such as by hosting art festivals,” she said.
